
Personalised One to One Online Mentoring Sessions

1 hour clarity video call

Recap email

30 minute reflection video call


Explore where you are photographically and how you can implement more mindfulness into your practice. Come to the clarity call (1hr) with five images to share with me. We will use these to explore the areas you would like to develop. I will offer suggestions and exercises to try. Following the session, I will send an email outlining what we have spoken about and linking to resources I feel can support you. One week later, we will meet for a 30-minute reflection video call to discuss how you’ve found implementing the suggestions and exercises suggested. The reflection call also offers you the chance to ask any questions you may have and share any thoughts that came to you after the clarity call. 

6 x 1 hour video calls

Email support between sessions

Audio recordings and journaling exercises


Embark on six weeks of photographic growth as you explore the world of mindful photography. Weaving in photographic practice with reflection, you’ll be guided to discover the therapeutic benefits of photography in a way that is personal to you. We will meet via Zoom for six weeks, where you will be able to share your photographic vision and be supported in working with or through any limitations you may face. Between sessions, you will be encouraged to engage in practical photography exercises to practice the areas you’d like to develop. Where beneficial, I will share journalling prompts and recorded audio files with you to support this. Email support will be available between sessions if needed.

It is preferred that sessions be paid in full; however, if it is easier for you to pay in instalments, Kim is happy to discuss this with you. Please email her to discuss this. She will get back to you as soon as possible:

“I can confidently say that Kim’s photography mentorship has had a profound impact on both my photography skills and personal well-being. It has taught me to slow down, observe the world with intention, and find beauty in the simplest of moments.”

Stephanie - Kentucky USA

The mentoring sessions have most definitely rekindled my love for photography. I found the sessions extremely helpful in enabling me to connect with photography in a more mindful way.

Inderjeet - England UK

Am I the right person to support you?

Let’s find out!

Book a complimentary 10-minute Connection Call so we can discuss what you’d like to explore and decide whether I am the right person to support you on your journey. These calls enable you to ask any questions and for me to ensure that I have the knowledge needed to guide you. There is no obligation to progress with mentoring after the call.

Depending on Kim's availability, you may need to wait for a session. Please be patient. She will respond to your enquiry as soon as she can.

Kim’s Sessions Can Guide You To

Learn mindfulness exercises to deepen your photographic practice

Breath more life and meaning into your photographs

Work through any blockages or limiting beliefs you may have

Grow in confidence

Discover how photography can support you through challenging times

Experience the wellbeing benefits of mindful photography

Explore ways to enjoy photography despite limitations (e.g. health challenges, disabilities, care responsibilities or geographical location).

Learn how to feel and channel your emotions into your photographs

Discover what photographic opportunities are available on your doorstep

Uncover your photographic voice

Create heart-centred images

Become a more soulful photographer

More Client Testimonials

I have just completed my second mentorship with Kim. The second one was based more around mindful photography and was another wonderful experience. Kim is a very friendly, patient and supportive mentor who i really feel invests in you and seems to really enjoy watching your progress. Kim is on hand to offer advice which will push you to get better but is always achievable. .Her knowledge as a professional photographer is a great source. If you genuinely commit to the programme I feel anyone will see their photography and mindset improve over the 6 week period that you work with Kim while being in a fun, friendly and supportive environment.

- Anthony (England, UK)

We can all learn something new, no matter our age or current setting in life.  Being part of Kim’s mentoring program provided the insights into myself, my photography and nature that I had hoped for. Each session brought new conversation and activities that I was able to learn from.  Kim’s professional guidance and encouragement in this 6-week journey allowed me to achieve the goals I had set for myself and even more.  This program was something I did for myself, and I would consider doing it again to build on the learnings of this years’ experience.  Treat yourself to this mentorship program and spend valuable time on self-reflection, discovery, and well-being, you will be inspired.

Deanna (Michigan, USA)

Kim is such an inspiring person, I have done a few on-line sessions , as 1-1 and in groups. Also meet her in person for an afternoon walk about with camera session.

My latest was the Winter Mentorship Course.(2024) Which really help me to focus on my Mindfulness in Photography and Writing. By the time we reached the last session, my eye for detail was improving for the better.

Kim has helped me to regain my purpose for photography and surprisingly with my writing, in just six weeks. Such a talented young lady with lots of knowledge, to help you find your path in life, not just in photography, but life itself. Know doubt I will call a upon Kim's skills at a later date. 

If you need any Photography Mindfulness tuition, give Kim a call, shaw you won't be disappointed.

Many thanks Kim. -

- Roy (England, UK)

Mid autumn last year I suffered a double bereavement which knocked me for six. In my search for consolation, I recognised that my love of nature and long-term interest in photography offered a way of getting my mind focusing outwards and so when I saw that Kim was offering six-week mentoring courses I jumped on the opportunity as I knew that I needed to be challenged if I was to make any headway.

I found the mentoring sessions incredibly helpful as, for the first time in many years, I actually went out for walks with the aim being photography and not just walking. Kim carefully walked me through where I was at each week and what I had achieved in the previous week, and then we agreed on a challenge or two to be done over the following week. Success followed most weeks, though sometimes not. Each person's situation will be different, and sometimes mine was such that not all of what I wanted to do was achievable, but Kim was always understanding and supportive.

Was my six weeks with Kim beneficial? It undoubtedly was, as it helped me focus on things outside of myself. It helped me to find a way forward when I was down and engendered hope for the future. I have a way to go yet but I value the sessions I had and would wholeheartedly recommend Kim's mentoring sessions to anyone who is struggling with life.”

Jonathan (England, UK)

I signed up for Kims 6 Week Mentoring looking for encouragement and advice. I got plenty of both which was fantastic. By committing to Mentoring it also pushed me further and gave me a sense of accountability ensuring I took my photography more seriously which really helped me. I would recommend anyone looking for Mentoring and encouragement to sign up.

May (Scotland, UK)